ISOBUS system for Mounted Sprayer

ISOBUS system for Mounted Sprayer

Price £6,149.42


ISOBUS is now commonplace and is found in almost every new tractor over 180hp. When you buy a new tractor, you are often purchasing all the GPS and technology ready installed on the tractor. If you have an older sprayer, or even a new sprayer, the chances are it can be converted to work with your tractors screen, use the tractor screen for GPS section control and controlling the complete sprayer. We have installed these systems for the past 4 years and they are working really well.

You can discuss these systems with our sales team on 01361 883418

This system works on ALL tractor ISOBUS monitors

So far we have fitted to:  John Deere, New Holland, Case….. and the list is growing

We offer a complete installation service. Please call us to discuss your requirements. We Guarantee our systems work! If it does not carry out the functions we said it would on purchase, we will remove the system and you will get a refund!

Fullscreen Mode


Additional information

Weight 10 kg
Number of Boom Sections

5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Does the sprayer have electric switches to fold the booms

Yes, No

If yes, how many boom fold switches in total

0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Do you want a joystick or switch box

Joystick, Switchbox

August 10, 2020 2:59 pm